Putting the Creative Twist in Trainings with Claudia Chan

Putting the Creative Twist in Trainings with Claudia Chan

Sephora – A Culture of Creativity

Over the past 8 years that I have been with Sephora, I feel I have grown so much as a person. I started my journey as a Training Executive with very little years of training experience. I recall the days when I was running around like a headless chicken trying to figure out how I can do better each day. I was blessed with great leaders, mentors and peers along the years to help guide me to where I am today. What I really have to give them credit for is the creative ways they keep coming up with to impart the best training possible for everyone.

Creative Solutions for Evolving Times

I first started my training offering simple PowerPoint lessons. Since then, it has evolved around technology such as leveraging social media like Facebook to create a community for our Sephora cast members, introducing the E-Learning platform to offer training make it easier for cast to access learning materials and scheduled their trainings at their own pace. Especially now with Covid-19, which has restricted us from having in-person training, E-Learning became the go-to platform. With the rise of the adoption rate, we are now venturing into creating our own e-learning content to make the platform as wholesome as possible.

Try, Try Again!

Never a dull day in Sephora, as everyday we learn new things, we take on new roles and jobs, partnering with different individuals from different brands & departments. Sephora gives me the motivation to strive further fueled with positive, creative energy – I feel like my energy is renewed each time I walk into the store! What I love about Sephora is that it empowers people to try new ideas, to do their best, and to not be afraid if you fail – keep trying! “By making the best out of everything, I GROW STRONGER EACH DAY”.


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